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1 novembre 2017 |
Relationship of aquaporins 3 (AQP3), 7 (AQP7), and 11 (AQP11) with boar sperm resilience to withstand freeze-thawing procedures |
Prieto Martínez, Noelia
; Vilagran Martí, Ingrid
; Morató Molet, Roser
; Rivera del Álamo, Ma. Montserrat
; Rodríguez Gil, Joan Enric
; Bonet, Sergi
; Yeste Oliveras, Marc
2 març 2016 |
Specific LED-based red light photo-stimulation procedures improve overall sperm function and reproductive performance of boar ejaculates |
Yeste Oliveras, Marc
; Codony, Francesc
; Estrada Paqui, Efrén
; Lleonart, Miquel
; Balasch, Sam
; Peña, Alejandro
; Bonet, Sergi
; Rodríguez Gil, Joan Enric